Remembering God's Promises

Remembering God’s Promises #63 – 3-11-24

In the night of January 29, 2023, I dreamed of a very crowded place. It had the appearance of being a hospital setting. The crowds were so massive. There was no room to walk. I was trying to help where I could. I was taking information from people, just trying to get their names and help. One of my close family members passed and I slumped, unable to imagine not seeing that sweet face again on this earth. I felt the Lord’s peace and strength. I stood and began to help again.

I didn’t share this until 2-12-23 except close friends and family. They know all the names and details. How blessed are we when the Lord gives us prayer family and friends. I felt led to share this and what has transpired since.

Since the dream I have had several family and friends to need prayer in a way that is so urgent. These heart wrenching days since this dream have shown me what this dream meant.

There are so many that are hurting. They are sick mentally and spiritually. They are God’s children. They are going through so much turmoil. They are not always visible.

Everyone needs to be aware right now of hidden family and friends. Make sure they’re okay. Are they suffering with addictions we aren’t aware of before it takes them out. Are we aware there isn’t someone we love that is hidden right now that is out of our mind, someone that is suffering spiritually. Is there someone that has lost hope and sick in a way we don’t always recognize as depression. I did not realize so many are so overwhelmed. We notice the physical sickness, and that is advertised widely. We don’t always notice the sick in other ways.

There are some extremely sick right now that need our help. Just be aware. I pray God shows each of us anyone in our midst that is suffering in a way that is not visible. I realized in reality this week that I was on the verge of losing the person in the dream that passed away, and this has been since I had that dream. It shook me to my core. Then I noticed others.

If you are reading this and hidden in your suffering, please reach out to a family member that you trust that you know loves Jesus and you’ve seen His quiet strength in them. If you don’t have anyone like that, find an old church and reach out to the pastor.

I went to a shop to purchase a natural remedy for stress and anxiety. The girl took me over to the four shelves where this particular product was. All four shelves were empty. She and I stood there a few seconds in silence. I began watching her expression of horror. She looked at me and said, ‘we are all messed up’. We had a conversation before I walked away. As I walked to my car I kept thinking, ‘I have to be that light. I have to stand up and walk straight. I have to be that voice for these that are hidden. I have to sit before the Lord until I feel His peace.’

Everybody is not messed up. Everybody just needs someone in their life to be aware, a person led by the Lord, a person to contact them and let them know somebody cares, the Lord is always with us and will never leave us nor forsake us. They just need the light of Jesus shining in someone that will be in their face with His message. Someone that doesn’t fuss, cuss, preach until overwhelmed, but someone in the quiet strength of Christ that will hold and whisper, ‘it’s okay’.

Be the voice in the wilderness that prepares the way. Not everybody is in church. Not everybody hears God’s message. Even the media is so in our face of the physical ailments that we forgot to pay attention to the sick in spirit and mind. Pray for them. Pray for protection over our minds, our hearts, our tongues, the land we are on, the home we are in, the family the Lord has blessed us with to make sure they’re okay, and the friends we have met along the way.

Most of all, give praise and thanks everyday for the One True God that provides and protects every day and every night.

I pray this wakes us up in a jerk of the spirit to know there is a sickness on this earth that is far worse than the physical ailments that have been thrown upon us.

I praise the Lord in showing us the way for He is the way, the truth, and the life. It is His light we should point to anytime we open our mouths to speak. He leaves the 99 to go in search of the 1. This dream is about that 1.

Matthew 18:12 Luke 15:4 Hebrews 13:8 John 14:6-7 3 John 1:1-15 Ephesians 3:14-21

Colossians 1:9-12 Ephesians 6:10-18 Isaiah 41:10

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