Remembering God's Promises

Remembering God’s Promises #49 – 1-11-24

I awakened at 5:00 a.m. the morning of November 12th, 2021, from the following dream:

I dreamed I was with others sitting in different sections.  Each section was a rounded area with seating in it.  In fact, this was a very busy place.  Those in the section I was in finished gathering information and turned in our papers.  We gave the papers to the one assigned as the leader in our group.  When I looked at the papers again, they were very well typed and very well-organized pages.  They looked like a resume, but the pages didn’t contain earthly education or earthly work assignments.  I remember looking at mine closely, but couldn’t remember what it read when I woke up.  Diana, the leader of our group, gathered these pages before her as she sat before a screen, and she held a microphone. 

I looked around her to see what was on the screen, and saw people in black robes.  It was like the picture we see when photos are made of the supreme court justice.  She was discussing each member of our group with these in authority and was given instructions for each.  I realized we would be leaving on assignments at different times. 

I was positioned to go next but did not know if I would go alone.  I looked at the one in the group closest to me and she said she would be going out too.  I kept waiting as I did not yet know what the instructions would be and was so hoping I would do my assignment correctly.  I was definitely out of my comfort zone.  I didn’t realize I was barefooted until Diana turned around to me with a pair of shoes and lovingly said, ‘here, wear these’.  I put them on my feet and with confidence was off to my assignment.

At that point, I woke up.  I began to pray over the dream.  Before I finished praying, understanding began coming to me so fast that I jumped up to find pen and paper to write.

God’s army in this dream is represented as the military we know on earth.  There were many round sections in the building, but as far as what goes on in each, I only saw the one I was in.  The round sections represented pods, shaped as the hull of a pea pod.  The various pods were inside a place that had three walls.  The fourth wall, which was in front of us opened to a bright light, and I couldn’t see where it went.  The Lord led Diana to begin a prayer group that He called His Net Work some time ago, and He told her these would be pods of His people.  In the dream, she was instrumental in going before the courts in issuing assignments. 

The picture I saw on the screen was like the supreme court justice – the highest court in the land, the court of last resort for those looking for justice.  In the dream, it represented our Highest Court.  These assignments will not be given to individuals as a lone assignment.  These will be more organized as we see in military squads where assignments are issued in an orderly fashion down the ranks as led by the Lord.  The squad works together, although assignments may be different just as in the military we see on earth.  I knew these assignments came to each pod after the petition had been submitted.    The “petition” is a separate message Diana preciously received.

We see the order in Scripture where God leads Moses, and Moses gives Joshua the orders, then Joshua the various ones within Israel.  Then Jesus appears to Joshua showing that He will be the Commander of the angelic host in the fight.  Joshua took the entire land just as the Lord had directed Moses, and He gave it as an inheritance to Israel according to their tribal divisions.  Then the land had rest from war.

Upon my assignment, I was given shoes which represent a piece of God’s armor ‘the preparation of the gospel of peace’ in Ephesians 6, then off I went walking towards the light.

When God has something for us to do, there is no confusion. We know. He makes sure of that. We rest in Him and His promises in the coming days. We stay close to Him and trust in His promises. He will never leave us nor forsake us. God bless you! 

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